“How will you serve your community today?”

“How will you serve your community today?”


My mood has been up and down lately. But service to others and connection through creativity always lifts my mood. I hope this post will lift your spirit.

I took this picture a few days ago on my way to drop some orders at the post office. Our local shopping district in Ballard is mostly still shut down but the street feels alive due to the murals covering all the store windows. Every time I go through I see others stopping to take in the art. Some are touched with the bittersweet beauty of the project. Others are excited from the discovery of something unexpected. This gorgeous mural is by Glynn Rosenberg.

The power of art to heal is something I deeply believe in. That’s why I chose the Artist Trust as the beneficiary of our #lovedownlove campaign. If you missed it, just click on my previous post to get the details for the discount codes.

It’s been interesting to see how the discount codes are being used. Equal numbers of people are using 0% discount as the 30% discount. Full stop, that’s a beautiful thing. It speaks to the power flexibility and shows that we have enough room at the table. There is enough for everyone and we can be trusted to figure it out without shame or judgement.

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